Friday 6 January 2017

A New Year... A New Blog... A New Me?

Happy New Year everyone! Welcome to my Blog…

Before I race into things I should probably introduce myself.
Some people know me as Niamh, others might call me Polly, but you can call me Kooky (that was the name of my last blog, but more about that later.)
I’m 16 and 10 months old, I have short brown hair and wear clothes that aren’t quite fashionable but will never go out of style. During the day I’m a year 12 student who always gets A’s in procrastination and daydreaming but during the night I’m pursuing my dreams of being an actress, writer and traveller. 

Two years ago I started a blog. I posted occasionally, forgot about it, and then restarted it. Each time I promised myself that I would update my page at least once a week and had all these extravagant ideas for posts… they never happened.
This year I thought I’d start afresh; a whole new blog with more realistic expectations and more rewarding outcomes.
It’ll still be my view on exploring the world around us through music, art, literature, fashion and recipes… only this time it’ll also be about the struggles that a year 12 student faces- with all of the gory details left in.

2017 bursted into action with sparklers, party poppers and sea creature shaped waffles. But then it was back to the little cafe I work at, making juices and clearing tables… and that’s what’ll be like for the next few weeks until school starts again

 But I thought I’d kick off my new post by sharing a short review of the band Glass Animal’s 2016 album ‘How to be A Human Being.’

Glass Animals is an English band who have created their own genre of ‘visceral indie pop.’ That means each sound, either synthesised or natural is so perfectly procured that it inspires a raw and guttural reaction from their audience. Their latest album ‘How to Be A Human Being’ has 11 tracks and each one reveals a snippet of a different character’s life.
Musically, Glass Animals create intricate layers of sound by looping or sampling sounds, call and response between instruments and vocals, multiple melodies at the same time and anthemic choruses. Although the lyrics cool and catchy, the are also confronting and honest about the characters the band has created. Each song sounds like the vocalist is reading a page of someone else’s diary and can leave an audience member feeling quite uncomfortable. 

One of my favourite tracks from ‘How to Be A Human Being’ is called ‘Season 2 Episode 3.’ The song imitates video games like Mario Kart or Pac man and pieces them together to create a smooth and relaxed electronic backdrop for a lyrical love story.

Over all? ‘How to be a Human Being’ gets 4/5 stars.
See you next time round!

Kooky xxxx

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